Thursday, July 13, 2006

Max - March 25 2005

So he spiraled into life,
Alone, with eyes closed,
Now he spirals back to death
Third eye, and reborn.
Cause these woods are dangerous,
We're putin' highways through forests.
SUV's and trucks ignore us,
And Death to destroy us.
Unnessesary endings, and a sadness livin'
Good Friday, Full Moon, and your Television...
While cars are killin friends,
You still sit in indecision.
Standing over lifeless bodies
Reassessing my position.
The root system of these games,
Run deep and are entangled,
In silent cries and deep sighs,
That come from every angle.
We walk along the concrete,
With two legs instead of eight.
But oh what tangled webs we weave,
Coincidence...? Or Fated...?


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