Thursday, July 13, 2006

Spinners - 2002

Relationships untangled web,
Liquid beads on a single thread,
That ventures out until it's end,
And tangles up but once again.
To toss away and start a new,
Replacing drops of morning dew,
To add upon forgotten waves,
Always there to see it through.
Paths will cross and take their toll,
Forever hills and valleys roll,
When your outside looking in,
The webs are tangled once again.
Colors, shapes, and tones of skin,
Depth of feeling from within,
To help the spinner form it's silk,
And build a castle out of string.


At 20/10/06 7:41 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

louise you are an angel, poetry is great, tremendous spirit in these haesh times, keep up the good;)

At 30/4/07 12:15 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome creative work louise...u are a genius no doubt! keep it up.



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